In-person and on YouTube Live Click here to watch on YouTube Live
Kindergarten, Primary, Juniors and Youth Sabbath School classes in-person only at the church starting at 9:45 AM
Click on Study &Worship for times and Zoom links to our Sabbath School Classes
7:00 PM Central Every Friday on Zoom
Meeting ID: 777 915 455 Pass Code: Blessing
Dec. 20: Lesson 31 From the Study Guide
Q2: Study Guide: 1-36 - "Mount of Blessings"
Q2: Schedule - "Mount of Blessings"
Register for 2024-25 classes
1035 Lincoln St., Anoka, MN
LIFE WITH JESUS - Lunch is provided after the worship service • followed by Bible study
December 28 - Everyone is invited to a Spaghetti Dinner after the worship service.
PATHFINDER SCHEDULE: Meets every second, third and fourth Sabbath after church
INTERSECT: Tune into Intersect - A podcast where we find connection in each other’s story. Intersect Host, Jim Moon, is currently working with the Minnesota Conference to launch a Tentmakers Network of Workplace Ministers.
Keep informed of current church news by receiving the ANDOVER SDA SAFE HARBOR NEWSLETTER - sent by e-mail each Friday. Click on the link below to be included on the newsletter e-mail list:
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You can give tithe and offerings directly to Andover SDA Church online.
In preparation for our Mindfit Series:
10 DAYS OF PRAYER: Nightly 7-8 PM on ZOOM
December 30 - January 8
Register for Andover SDA Mindfit
Nightly at 7 PM from January 9-12
We have created two new options for keeping up with the news. “The Northern Light Extra” is an email newsletter directly from MN Conference President, Jeff Scoggins, that will arrive in your inbox at least monthly. Subscribe at The second option, if you are on Facebook, is to follow
The Northern Light Extra
Follow Pastor Jeff Scoggins on Facebook